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FeatBit, a Fast, Scalable, and Open-source Feature Flags Management Service. For Cloud & Self-hosting.

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FeatBit, a Fast, Scalable, and Open-source Feature Flags Management Service. For Cloud & Self-hosting.

Enhance Your Deployment Strategy with Canary Release Using FeatBit

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In software development, Canary release is a technique used to minimize the risk of introducing new features or changes to a production environment. It involves gradually rolling out updates to a small subset of users before releasing them to the entire user base. This allows developers to monitor the performance and stability of the new release in a controlled environment and make necessary adjustments before a full release.

FeatBit is a tool that can help enhance the canary release strategy. It provides a platform for developers to easily manage and monitor the deployment process. With FeatBit, developers can create feature flags to control the release of new features and enable or disable them for specific users or groups. This allows for a more targeted and controlled rollout of new features, reducing the risk of issues affecting the entire user base.

By using canary release with FeatBit, developers can ensure that new features are thoroughly tested and optimized before being released to the entire user base. This can help improve the overall user experience and minimize the risk of downtime or other issues. With FeatBit, developers can also easily roll back changes if necessary, further reducing the risk of negative impacts on users. Overall, canary release using FeatBit can be a valuable tool for enhancing Deployment strategy and improving the reliability of software releases.

What is Canary Release?

Definition of Canary Release

Canary release is a Deployment strategy that involves gradually rolling out new software updates to a small subset of users or servers before releasing it to the entire infrastructure. This approach allows developers to test the new release in a real-world environment and identify any issues or bugs before it affects the entire user base. Unlike traditional deployment strategies, canary release reduces the risk of downtime or performance issues by gradually introducing the new update to a smaller audience.

How Canary Release Works

Canary release works by deploying a new software update to a small subset of users or servers, typically 5-10% of the total infrastructure. The new update is then monitored for any issues or bugs, and if everything is working as expected, the update is gradually rolled out to a larger audience. This process continues until the update is released to the entire infrastructure. Canary release is often implemented using feature flags, which allow developers to enable or disable specific features of the new update for different users or servers. This approach provides greater control over the release process and allows developers to quickly roll back any changes if issues arise.

Benefits of Canary Release

Reduced Risk

Canary release is a Deployment strategy that allows developers to test new features or updates on a small subset of users before releasing them to the entire user base. This approach reduces the risk of deployment failures and downtime by catching issues early on and preventing them from affecting the entire user base. With canary release, developers can monitor the performance of the new features or updates and make necessary adjustments before releasing them to the entire user base. This approach also allows developers to gather feedback from a small group of users, which can help them improve the quality of the new features or updates before releasing them to the entire user base.

Increased Reliability

Canary release can improve the reliability of a Deployment strategy by allowing developers to test new features or updates in a controlled environment before releasing them to the entire user base. This approach ensures that the new features or updates are stable and perform as expected before being released to the entire user base. Canary release also allows developers to roll back the changes if any issues are detected, which minimizes the impact on the entire user base. By using canary release, developers can ensure that the deployment process is reliable and that the new features or updates are of high quality.

Implementing Canary Release with FeatBit

FeatBit Overview

Using FeatBit for Canary Release

Canary release is a Deployment strategy that involves releasing new features to a small subset of users before releasing them to the entire user base. This allows developers to test new features in a real-world environment and catch any issues before they affect all users. FeatBit can be used to implement canary release by creating a feature flag for the new feature and targeting a small percentage of users. Developers can then monitor the feature's performance and usage in real-time using FeatBit's analytics and monitoring features. If the feature performs well, it can be gradually rolled out to more users. If there are any issues, the feature flag can be turned off to prevent further impact. FeatBit's targeting and monitoring features make it easy to implement canary release and ensure a smooth deployment process.

Best Practices for Canary Release with FeatBit

Testing and Monitoring

Testing and monitoring are critical components of a successful Canary release strategy. Before deploying a new feature or update, it's important to thoroughly test it in a controlled environment to ensure it functions as expected and doesn't negatively impact the user experience. Once the feature is deployed using a canary release, monitoring becomes even more important. By closely monitoring the metrics of the canary group, you can quickly identify any issues and take action before they affect a larger portion of your user base. In addition, monitoring can help you determine when it's safe to roll out the new feature to the entire user base.

Gradual Rollout

A Gradual rollout is a key component of a successful Canary release strategy. By slowly increasing the percentage of users who receive the new feature, you can minimize the risk of any issues affecting a large portion of your user base. This approach also allows you to collect more data and feedback from users, which can help you identify and address any issues before the feature is rolled out to everyone. With FeatBit, you can easily configure the percentage of users who receive the new feature and monitor the metrics of the canary group to ensure a smooth rollout.


In conclusion, using Canary release with FeatBit can greatly enhance your Deployment strategy. By gradually rolling out new features to a small subset of users, you can ensure that any issues or bugs are caught early on and can be addressed before a full release. This can save time, money, and prevent negative user experiences. Additionally, FeatBit's automated monitoring and rollback capabilities make the process even smoother and less risky.

If you're not already using canary release with FeatBit, we highly encourage you to consider implementing this strategy in your own deployment processes. It may take some extra effort to set up initially, but the benefits in terms of improved product quality and user satisfaction are well worth it. Give it a try and see the difference it can make!

FeatBit provides examples of how to run canary deployment/release. You can visit more blog articles and FeatBit's documentation page to get more information.