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FeatBit, a Fast, Scalable, and Open-source Feature Flags Management Service. For Cloud & Self-hosting.

Innovate Your Software Faster without Risk

FeatBit, a Fast, Scalable, and Open-source Feature Flags Management Service. For Cloud & Self-hosting.

Progressively Rollout Feature with Feature Flags Service

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Introduction to Feature Flags

Feature flags are a vital tool in software development, as they allow developers to progressively roll out new features without adversely affecting the end-users. Feature flags are essentially control structures that enable companies to turn specific features on and off independently of the rest of the system. They allow developers to make changes to the code base without releasing new versions of the software, which is crucial for large-scale, high-traffic applications with many users

The use of feature flags enables teams to align the development and release cycles, facilitate collaboration, and reduce the complexity of software releases. This approach allows software development teams to deliver higher quality code faster and with less risk. By enabling granular control over what end-users can see, feature flags reduce the chances of a poorly designed feature taking down an entire service.

Using Feature Flags for Progressive Rollout

Step-by-Step Guide to Progressive Rollout

To ensure a reliable and efficient product deployment, teams need a feature flags service to enable a progressive rollout strategy. It is essential to follow a step-by-step guide to implementing a progressive rollout with feature flags. Firstly, define the feature flags based on the app’s needs and create multiples versions of the feature. Secondly, set the feature flags to default off, and release a small group of users to test the feature. Thirdly, analyze the feedback to make adjustments. Finally, enable the user’s feedback to set the flag open to more users. This process cycles until the feature gains useable feedback from a significant portion of the user base. This process helps ensure the full system stability and reduces any risks associated with new feature rollout.

Benefits of Progressive Rollout

Using feature flags for progressive rollout offers many benefits to development teams. One significant advantage is the ability to limit deployment to specific sections of the user base. The team can gradually expose new features or changes to a subset of users, avoiding possible errors or technical issues. This approach enables the team to catch any inconsistencies or flaws before implementing them on a large-scale level.

Progressive rollout with feature flags also allows for quicker and more efficient feedback collection. Limited exposure of new features allows developers to receive more precise feedback from users, which they can use to improve or refine the new feature. In turn, this enhances the user experience by ensuring it aligns with their preferences and needs.

FeatBit as a Feature Flags Service Tool

FeatBit is a feature flags service tool that enables developers to progressively rollout features in their software applications. This tool has several features that make it an excellent choice for feature flagging, including its ease of use, scalability, and flexibility. With FeatBit, developers can easily deploy new features and updates without breaking the existing functionality of their applications.

One of the most significant advantages of using FeatBit for feature flagging is its ability to enable a gradual rollout of new features. This approach allows developers to test newly developed features with a small group of users before releasing them to the general public. With FeatBit, developers can limit the rollout to a certain percentage of users, allowing them to receive feedback on the new features and ensure that they are working as intended before they are deployed to a wider audience.

var flagValue = fbClient.variation("YOUR_FEATURE_KEY", defaultValue);
if(flagValue === 'true'){

Progressive Rollout is very similar to Gradully Release, and Percentage rollout. You can click on each link to get more information.