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FeatBit, a Fast, Scalable, and Open-source Feature Flags Management Service. For Cloud & Self-hosting.

Innovate Your Software Faster without Risk

FeatBit, a Fast, Scalable, and Open-source Feature Flags Management Service. For Cloud & Self-hosting.

FeatBit: Your Ultimate Canary Deployment Tool for Safe Software Releases

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Why use FeatBit for canary deployment?

Canary deployment is a popular technique used by software development teams to test new features or updates before a full release. It involves releasing the new code to a small subset of users, known as the canary group, to gather feedback and identify any issues before rolling out the update to all users. However, canary deployment can be risky if not done properly. That's where FeatBit comes in.

FeatBit is an ultimate canary deployment tool that provides a safe and controlled way to release software updates. It allows teams to define the canary group, set the percentage of users who will receive the update, and monitor the performance of the new code in real-time. FeatBit also provides rollback capabilities in case any issues arise during the canary deployment.

Using FeatBit for canary deployment ensures that new features or updates are thoroughly tested before being released to all users. This helps to prevent any major issues or bugs that could negatively impact the user experience. Additionally, FeatBit's monitoring capabilities provide valuable insights into the performance of the new code, allowing teams to make data-driven decisions about when to release the update to all users.

Overall, FeatBit is a must-have tool for any software development team looking to implement canary deployment in a safe and controlled manner. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features make it the ultimate canary deployment tool for safe software releases.

How to use FeatBit for canary deployment?

Set up feature flags and experiments

To use FeatBit for canary deployment, developers need to first set up feature flags and experiments. Feature flags are used to turn features on or off, while experiments are used to test different variations of a feature. By defining the features and experiments that they want to test with the canary group, developers can ensure that the canary release is thoroughly tested before it is rolled out to the wider audience. It is important to ensure that the feature flags and experiments are properly configured and tested before proceeding with canary deployment.

Define the canary group

Once the feature flags and experiments are set up, developers need to define the canary group. The canary group is a subset of users that will receive the canary release. It is important to choose a representative sample of users that are diverse in terms of location, device type, and usage patterns. This will ensure that the canary release is tested under a variety of conditions and will provide more accurate results. Developers should also ensure that the canary group is properly configured and that the users are aware that they are part of the canary group.

Monitor the results

After the canary release is deployed, developers need to monitor the performance of the canary group and make adjustments as necessary. This includes monitoring metrics such as error rates, latency, and user engagement. If any issues are identified, developers should roll back the canary release and make the necessary changes before deploying it again. It is important to have a clear plan in place for monitoring and responding to issues during canary deployment.


FeatBit provides examples of how to run canary deployment/release. You can visit more blog articles and FeatBit's documentation page to get more information.